:doodle { @grid: 11 / 100vmax; } --n: calc( @abs(@abs(@row() - 6) + @abs(@col() - 6) - 11) / 11 ); margin: -10%; transform: rotate(45deg); border: 1px solid; border-color: hsla( calc(var(--n) * 360 + 120), 60%, 68%, var(--n) );

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Business. Clients. Operations. Employees. Competitors.

Your company is moving smarter and faster than the pace of the industry!

Areas of expertise

Where you can achieve vast results based on our AI solutions
Client service center

Client service

Be closer to your clients and stay tuned with their needs.


Route efficiency and volume optimization leads the fleet management to its finest
Manufacturing worker


Better Faster Smarter - your processes and activities will become

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Client service

Back-office platform and clients portal for FOREX broker

Back-office system (BOS) of next generation, that gives competitive advantage to the business, based on BI, great performance and UX.
BOS is developed based on Modular System Design. This modular approach involves designing the system into portable parts. These parts are self-contained units which can be published or mixed in different formations to form the entire system.
Operations are split up into three parts: The front office includes sales personnel; the middle office manages risk and calculates profits and losses drawing on the resources of both the front and the back offices; and the back office is part of a company responsible for providing all business functions related to its operations. Back office jobs are necessary for a company to run smoothly, and are especially important for the broker that is required to maintain strict compliance with regulations.


Fleet management platform for logistic companies

Client service

Ticket system for the IT department in one of the biggest companies in Bulgaria

Still in progress...

Client service

AirBnB short-term rental Software-as-a-Service


Laboratory's samples lifecycle management software

Every company is different!
Some will want to invest more heavily in intelligent machines than others. The question is whether your company is ready for the AI switch, and which tasks are better to be left to the living, breathing people?

Latest news

What we believe is important for you

Leverage location data to revolutionize customer engagement (VB Live)

Location data is powerful stuff. It can be leveraged to gather competitive and market intelligence, gain insight into customer behavior, capture foot traffic for analysis, improve user engagement by delivering dynamic location-based user experiences, and deliver the right content to the right audience via targeted campaigns.

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More businesses are closing the gap between AI ambitions and implementation

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est.

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